The California School-Based Health Alliance (CSHA) is the statewide nonprofit organization helping to put more health services in schools.
We support local education agencies and community organizations in launching, enhancing, and sustaining school health services.
School-based health and wellness centers put health care where students already spend most of their time – at school. Research has shown, and teachers and educators intuitively know, that healthier children are better students because they are able to focus in class and are not distracted by stress or illness.
CSHA provides the following:
- Toolkits and guides on a variety of school health topics (see below)
- An annual statewide school health conference
- Webinars
- Regional coalitions including in the Central Valley, Northern California, and Inland Empire
- Convenings of school health partners. Contact us if you are working in a school health program in California and want to be connected.
- Technical assistance and contracting to provide more in-depth support.
Our Top Resources
Vision to Reality
From Vision to Reality, our toolkit on starting a school-based health center (SBHC), is a comprehensive resource for anyone seeking to expand health services for students.
Key Steps to Planning
The first steps of establishing a new school-based health and wellness center can feel daunting. Our Key Steps to Planning overview outlines the high-level activities to get started.
Best Practices Checklist
The Best Practices Checklist is designed to help school-based health and wellness center staff identify areas where they can strengthen their practices and improve the quality and sustainability of services.
Student Health Index
The California Student Health Index identifies the counties, districts, and schools where new school-based health and wellness centers will have the greatest return on investment for improving student health and education equity.
Guide for Sharing Information
A California Guide for Sharing Student Health and Education Information provides an overview of the laws that relate to sharing student/patient information (HIPAA, FERPA and California State Law), as well as best practices and resource materials for schools and health providers.
Braided Funding Guide
Our guide shows local education agencies (LEAs) and partners how they can braid together funding opportunities to support new school-based health centers (SBHCs) or expand and improve existing SBHCs.
Public Funding for School Mental Health
There are many different ways that schools can knit together resources to address the mental health needs of students. Make public funding work for you and maximize your return on investment in mental health with the strategies presented in this toolkit.
Third Party Billing Guide
Our updated guide on maximizing third-party billing covers best practices for the Child Health and Disability Prevention Program (CHDP), FamilyPACT Program, Medi-Cal Managed Care, and Minor Consent Medi-Cal.
Youth Health Worker Curricula
The Youth Health Worker and Learn, Meet, Practice Curricula is used to strengthen the role of school-based health and wellness centers in addressing the need for a diverse health workforce.